All About Me!!!!

 Hey guys!! I haven't been on here a lot, so here I am again!! This is my all about me page, because I figured I should have one. My name is Bella, and I am the author of Belka Streka! I have 2 younger siblings, Sarah (the middle child) (author of Sarka Padarka) and Samuel (the youngest). I live in Pennsylvania right now, but I was born in Haifa, Israel. Now, in case any of you guys were wondering, I do NOT copyright. I am saying this because if you also look at my sisters blog, (Sarka Padarka) you will notice that we have a lot of the same photos, and that is not because I am taking them, it's just since she is my sister we share the photos. I only use the photos my family takes. Please share, comment and follow! The more followers the more posts!

